If you’re seeking a car insurance plan, there are many, many factors that get taken into account, particularly if you have a family with kids in it—kids who will one day likely be sitting behind the wheel of your family car. Getting your teen started down the road with a learner’s permit can be one of the most nerve-wracking experiences in your entire adult life. Most teens are ready and eager to hit the open road, but there’s a lot of consideration that needs to go into making sure your teen is safe and insured properly for any circumstance that may arise. Teenagers and younger drivers are hands-down the most accident prone demographic on the road: They crash more, seem to think less, and tend to engage in more risky behaviors, like drinking and driving or texting while behind the wheel. You want your teen to be safe, and you also want them to be taken care of by your insurance plan. If you’re curious about the proper way to be sure your teen is well cared for by your insurance plan, check out this handy guide to the best insurance for your young driver. Every parent’s ultimate desire is for their teen to stay safe, but the odds of your 16-year-old getting into a fender bender are too high to not make entirely sure that your insurance policy is reliable and effective for any situation. Whether you’re the parent of a soon-to-be-driving teen yourself or you simply want to be more aware of those young folk you share the road with, the following infographic takes an in-depth look at some of the dangers that are present among teen drivers today.